Birtena123’s Weblog

Just another weblog

What i think of a blog page! October 1, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — birtena123 @ 5:09 pm

I dont know if i really would use blog to my advanage because i’m barely on the computer. But when i do use the computer i can use blog to stay updated with school. For instince if i was out of school, or if i needed help with some homework. I can know what the topic is that i may have missed, also get ideas or a good start from others  just by  viewing their blog page, and reading what they may have wrote.


Environmental News September 24, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — birtena123 @ 5:24 pm

   Some of the new enviromental news that occurs to everyone is Energy, climate change, and international cooperation on climate. One of our main issues as americans is energy. Us americans need oil but for the price of oil now a days is rediculous. If energy is taken from Alaska which will cause us to drill into their oil. Will cause Global warming issues. Habitats would be endanger ,but The christian science monitor reports that “Initial geological studies indicate that the area, roughly the size of Pennsylvania, has the potential to produce 15 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 77 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Together with the potential energy development from lease sales offered recently in the nearby Beaufort Sea, that’s enough to fuel 25 million cars and heat 46 million homes for 30 years.” It all sound lovely doesnt it. Now look at the Cons. of it all innocent species that dont need to be endanger. When hurricans take place in our world and innocent people die. Now what if that hurrican or any dramatic horrible desater was caused, because another country needed oil and didnt want to pay a few dollars more. To me the drill in Alaska are very simular to my example, It’s a hurting feeling and we shouldnt put animals in any danger to satify our needs that can easily be found another safer way. It will just take time, money, and patients. Which non of they above anyone want to do. People who are for the drill in atlaska are greedy people who dont care. Well speaking from self experience i drive and strongly believe that if keeping extra cash in my pockets for material things or any unimportant stuff are more important than saving species is wrong. I rather pay a dollar more to save endanger animals.


Hello world!

Filed under: Uncategorized — birtena123 @ 5:12 pm

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